Saturday 2 June 2012

Buying A Business With No Money

Leveraged Buyouts To Buy A Business With No Money

How to buy a business with no money of your own? Is this really possible?

It's actually simpler than you might think. And surprisingly few people know about the strategy - so I'm going to spill the beans on this arcane method right now.

The way you do it, is by leveraging the assets of the specific business you want to buy: at about exactly the same time you buy that business.

It's called a full leverage buyout: acquiring a company by using the assets and cashflow of that company to finance the purchase.

Although the strategy is generally unknown to most internet nerds and even general business owners: big corporations have been doing it for a long time. And the strategy has become an accepted and widely practiced financing strategy.

But nevermind the big corporations. For the small business owner or an individual starting with little or nothing: leveraged buyouts can effectively help you skip the 2 to 5 years it generally takes to build a strong company.

What this means is that instead of wasting years painfully trying to grow your business with your own money: you can take over an existing business and begin reaping the rewards within literally weeks or a few months.

For this reason - many people, particularly those of us who already own our own businesses - experience a paradigm shift after

learning about how to do a leveraged buyout. Because we suddenly see the potential for a totally new way to go about building a successful business.

We assumed the way to do it was by saving up the initial capital by scavenging every penny and pressuring friends and family to come up with some money.

Then by starting the business from scratch and working 15 hour days while putting your savings and everything you've got on the line.

As the business grows, any profits are immediately put back into the business with barley anything to show for it personally - and this is continued for however many years it takes for your business to finally start supporting you instead of you supporting it.

Then we learned that with leveraged buyouts, none of our own personal cash or credit gets put on the line. And your business can immediately start producing wealth for you. And that this strategy can be repeated to buy even more businesses and accumulate even more wealth.

Owning a business is the ultimate wealth generator but the difference between just getting buy and making a fortune in business is your knowledge of modern day business strategies such as the full leverage buyout.

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